Friday, August 20, 2010

How to break up with my boyfriend without hurting his feelings?

Is it better to do it in person, by phone, by email, by SMS or by facebook?How to break up with my boyfriend without hurting his feelings?
Phone. You can hang up when you're done. If face-to-face, it's hardest.How to break up with my boyfriend without hurting his feelings?
You are going to hurt his feelings. I think you know that but, you can try to minimize the pain. I would do it by phone it's honorable and not so personal. Actually looking the person i the face and breaking up is the worst on both sides I assure you. Try to create a little dialog to go by and reference before hand so there are no awkward silences, don't accuse him of things, don't tell him there's someone else (if there is), and just make it as soft as possible for his sake and your sake.
No matter how you break up with him, if he cares about you than it will hurt his feelings but the more personal it is (in person or even by phone) the more it seems like you care about him to make it a little easier to handle. I had a girl i loved more than anything just stop talking to me after a 1 1/2 year relation ship of course i got the point but it crushed me. i'd say do it in person and just don't drag it out.
Always by person and you may say that '; it is not about you, I am just not feeling comfortable in this relationship anymore'; or I want to date others, or I need to find someone who I am more compatible with. Just don't make the mistake of thinking that you can continue to be friends. It is not realistic and can lead to big problems. Don't allow him to get into arguments.........just let him know you can's see him any more.
In person or by phone, the other methods are all unacceptable.
If he likes you, hurting his feelings is unavoidable. But you can soften the blow by doing it in person. It will make him feel like he was worth the effort. Just be honest with him and give him the reasons why you want to break up. Don't be too harsh and make sure you let him know that there are plenty of other girls out there for him.
In person propably but its the hardest. phone is almost the same and easier (for you)

Some people s ay by phone is easier for the person bieng brokenup with because he doesnot have to hide fellings. You wont see them.
It's always better to do it in person. You're being more respectful that way, but remember that he will probably be hurt no matter what you do to break up with him. If you feel too nervous to do it in person, then call him up and do it. If you break up with him any other way, you'll come off as inconsiderate. Good luck! :)
Really depends on how long you've been dating. Personally I'd say never to do it over facebook regardless of how long you've been dating. By email is ok if it's been 2 months or less. Over phone if longer. In person is ok too, it's much more difficult.

Don't blame him for the breakup. Don't say stuff like ';if you would have.....';, or ';I don't feel like you....';. Don't suggest that he could have, or should have done something different to keep you interested. If you do that he'll think that if he starts doing those things then you'll take him back, which I doubt is the case. Just tell him that you enjoyed your time together but you just don't feel the chemistry with him any longer. Good luck

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